Inner-Fillet-2 meat

Experience the superior quality and taste of the finest tenderloin cuts with tender, juicy flavors, when you order inner fillets from Majestic Meat Products. Prepared from the finest lambs by our expert butchers, this lean and delicate cut of meat is the perfect choice for those who deserve only the best.

The tenderloin is carefully extracted from the side of lamb, with the meat cut from the underside of the short loin. It is fat-free and nutrient-dense, making it a pricey but great choice for healthy eaters.

Tenderloin tastes best when pan-fried on high heat till it is medium to medium-rare and cut to reveal the tender pink flesh in the center. It is also a great choice for slow cooking recipes that bring out its luscious flavors.

Choose tenderloin cuts from Majestic Meat Products to prepare the perfect centerpiece for any occasion. All our meat is sourced from mature animals and is 100% halal and HMC certified, to ensure the ultimate eating experience. We undertake wholesale orders from restaurants, shops and agents from any location in UK and can arrange for delivery services to your address.

visit: mutton-shank

inner-fillet-11 uk

Contact us today to place your order and we guarantee competitive prices and better products than you can find elsewhere.

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